Laser Dentistry in Kokomo, IN

Laser dentistry in Kokomo, IN, is a cutting-edge dental solution that’s used to treat a variety of dental issues while reducing swelling and the possibility of infection. Our team, led by Drs. Gabrielle Caron and Kathryn Jones, have extensive experience in treating patients with this technology.

What is Laser Dentistry?

Laser dentistry is the latest technology that uses focused light energy to perform various dental procedures with precision and minimal discomfort. The word “laser” stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation,” and in dental applications, it means using highly concentrated beams of light to treat various oral health conditions.

At Caron and Jones Dental Care, we use laser technology to improve patient care by offering more comfortable and faster treatment options. Lasers can be used to remove or reshape soft tissues, like gums, or to prepare teeth for fillings by removing decay. This technology can also be used for biopsies, gum disease treatment, and to speed up the healing of cold sores and canker sores.

There are different types of lasers used in dental treatments, each for specific procedures. We use:

  • Diode Lasers: Diode lasers are used for soft tissue procedures, including gum therapy, contouring, and periodontal disease treatment. They also manage soft tissue conditions and reduce bacteria in periodontal pockets.
  • Erbium Lasers: These versatile lasers can be used for both hard and soft tissue treatments. They are great for cavity preparation, where we can remove decay without the need for drills or anesthesia in many cases. Erbium lasers are also used for gum reshaping and cold sore treatment.

Laser technology in dentistry offers several benefits, including reduced discomfort, faster healing times, and increased precision during procedures.

We Use Laser Dentistry For…

Our laser technology allows our dentist in Kokomo to do many procedures with more precision, less discomfort and faster recovery times.

Teeth Whitening

Laser technology is a quick and highly effective way to whiten teeth. During the teeth whitening treatment, a special whitening gel is applied to the teeth, and the laser’s focused light energy is used to activate the gel. This activation breaks down the stains on the tooth surface and leaves you with a brighter, whiter smile. Unlike traditional whitening methods, laser teeth whitening can get results in one visit, so it’s perfect for those who want to whiten their smile quickly.

Gum Therapy

For patients with gum disease laser gum therapy is a minimally invasive and highly effective treatment. Lasers can remove the infected tissue from the gums while disinfecting the area and promoting healing. This reduces the risk of infection and helps to reshape the gums to create a healthier, more aesthetic gum line. The precision of laser therapy means only the diseased tissue is removed, leaving the healthy surrounding tissue intact and overall gum health improved.

Cavity Preparation and Fillings

Laser technology is changing the way we treat cavities. Instead of using traditional drills, which can be uncomfortable and require anesthetic, we use lasers to remove decayed tissue from the tooth gently and precisely. This reduces the need for anesthetic and preserves more of the healthy tooth structure. Once the decay is removed, the tooth is prepared for a filling, a strong and durable restoration with minimal discomfort to the patient.

Cold Sores and Canker Sores Treatment

Lasers are also great for treating oral sores, such as cold sores and canker sores. By applying laser energy to the sore, we can reduce pain, accelerate healing, and, in some cases, prevent the sores from coming back in the same place. The laser treatment is quick, noninvasive, and can give instant relief, so it’s perfect for patients who suffer from these painful conditions.

Laser Assisted Biopsies

For more complex oral health issues, such as suspicious lesions or growths, laser-assisted biopsies provide a minimally invasive way of getting tissue samples. The precision of the laser means we can remove a small amount of tissue with minimal discomfort and bleeding, no stitches, and faster recovery. This advanced technique means biopsies are performed with the utmost care and accuracy so we can detect and diagnose potentially serious conditions early.

Experience the Future of Dentistry Today

Our cutting-edge technology ensures that every treatment is as precise, comfortable, and effective as possible, whether you’re seeking cosmetic enhancements or addressing oral health concerns. Experience the future of dental care today—contact us for laser dentistry in Kokomo, IN.

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